What is CNC Precision Machining

Precision machining is the method used to cut the material to a high number of tolerances. CNC precision machine makes it possible for operators to cut the piece as thin as 0.005mm. The use of computerized system in the machinery makes it possible to a CNC precision tool to cut a piece into such level of thinness. That is one reason why so many companies use this technology.

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Precision machines are not limited to cutting process alone. These machines can handle a lot of functions which popularly needed by metalworking or woodworking industry such as turning and milling. Precision machining also handle even much complicated industrial processes like water and laser cutting. This system is indeed versatile that many manufacturers should consider making use of CNC precision machining.


Precision machines consist of solid cutters such as Tungsten Carbide and HSS. The quality that can be obtained by the machines can differ from one to other. It depends on the perfection of the operation and the overall condition of the machine.

However, the fact that this technology has been used in many developed countries such as Japan, England, Switzerland and German, allows us to take a look at the performance done by them. Switzerland and German stand out to be best from the list as both countries have been known to be excelled in engineering.

Precise Cutting

Since the system manages to do a heavy duty job, there must be some methods that work specially for some jobs. One of the methods is water cutting. Precision machine uses this method to cut a plate of steel. Under a high pressure, the water magically becomes a sharp “knife” that cut the steel like a piece of cake. Additionally, the computerized system makes the cutting so accurate which seems to hardly obtain by traditional cutting method.
CNC precision machining is indeed a high tech breakthrough that it is reasonable if the price is slightly high. Before you purchase one, it is better to study the need of your company while assessing whether or not the system will give you more benefits in the long run.