CNC Machining History

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is a popular method used in metalworking industry these days. Unlike traditional machines, by using a computerized system, CNC machines works far better in complicated shapes for various kinds of materials. You might be curious about CNC machining history, hence, read on to know the details.

Changing the System 

When the method was being developed, CNC machining was aimed to be used by the U.S. Air Force in creating aircraft parts. Given the fact that manufacturing complicated parts of the airplanes could cost them very high, they turned to seek a method to do the job in much efficient manner.

John T. Parsons and MIT thus came in a team to develop the idea of CNC machining. That was around 1940s when the method was designed. Since that year, many developments were made to improve the ability of the machine. In 1967, the idea of CNC machine began spreading to public and in 1972, CAD and CAM programs started to be applied to the machine.

What Makes It Special 

Traditional machine (numerical control machine) made use of G-codes that enable the machine to locate its positions. The control put on the codes was done manually in NC machines, yet in CNC machines, a computer is employed to carry the task. Even in a more advanced technology, namely parametric program, logical commands are added such that they can work together with G-codes. This advanced program allows users to adjust and access system parameters in much easier way.

The result made by this improvement is clear; more accuracy, productivity and efficiency. CNC machines offer much comfortable process in metalworking as the number of accident can be decreased. These machines are able to reduce the risk because the computerized system lessens the interaction between human and the tools.

Firstly developed for a military purpose, CNC machining is now a standard method for the industry. It is accurate, efficient and less accident risk so that it will be a great investment to buy.

Mini CNC Milling Machine for Small Manufacturing Business

In manufacturing business, the milling machine is one of the most important machines that we need to have. This milling machine is very important to machine the solid materials. It has the two basic forms which are horizontal and vertical. This machine is able to be operated in three different ways and they are manually, mechanically and digitally automated. The digital automation is done via computer numerical control or we used to call it CNC machine. For small business, we do not need to use the big equipment or machine. It will need extra space and it is important to keep the small space functional. So, for the small business, the mini cnc milling machine is just a perfect choice.

There are so many types of this mini cnc milling machine that we can find today. It is good to find the information about this mini machine so that it will ease us to choose the best machine for the manufacturing. There are so many brands and we can start with the Grizzly Mini Mill with the SKU G8689 series. This one is a standard machine that is proven work well on manufacturing with the variable speeds and using the ¾ HP motor sizes. Another product is from Harbor Freight. It has the SKU 44991 which costs only about $499.99. It is similar to Grizzly, Homier Mini Mills and also Micro-Mark. This is good to check them all to find out the detail of the machine so that we will be able to know which one which will be best for the manufacturing business.

So, just check them soon you need to know about this mini cnc milling machine for your manufacturing business. This will be very great and useful for your business for now and for the success in the future.

How to Backup Data Fanuc Machine With PC - Using Software V24

The first parameter settings on the PC:

Baud rate = 4800

Data bits = 7 bits

Stop bits = 1 bit

Parity = Even

Handshake = XON / XOFF

Extension data = dat

Can you see in the image beside

The second setting on CNC machines:

Can you look at previous posts Fanuc Parameter Data Backup in adapted to the type of control of each machine.

Furthermore, if all has been done setting for both we can jump right in, ready to make a new folder to store data such as programs, offsets, parameters, diagnostics. Open software v24 and then select the Driver / Path change locate the folder you created (can be viewed in the figure). Select Receive for downloading data. Once ready to go to the machine select EDIT mode.

To backup program press O-9999 and press the output (type OM)

EOB key parameters and output, if only the output only to 900 parameters can not be downloaded. Diagnostic you can simply press button output .

Maybe that's all that I can share or you are interested in my other article Fanuc Alarm 300 or Fanuc Alarm 438.

How to Build a CNC Machine

How to Build a CNC Machine

A good progress has been made in manufacturing industry as the computer is now used in most of areas. The use of computerized system has made it possible for CNC machines to work more accurate and faster. However, you can make some efforts to create your own CNC machine. Here is the guide.


Know well what equipment and devices should be prepared as they will be needed in the process. You must also inquire what method you are going to use to build your own CNC machine.

The first method is by modifying the existing tool by adding some additional parts to the machine and synchronizes it with the computer program. This method will save much time on your side since you do not need to create a new machine design. Besides, you can also keep the good performance of the machine in handling the material.

In case that you want to make the machine to be originally made on your own, use the second method. Starting from a scratch by making the design, then proceed to construct the machine.


Suppose that you choose the second method mentioned in previous point. Now, you have to make a head stock, which is a motor that powers the spindle (a metal cylinder) and mill. The point is to make a strong mount for the motor so that it can transfer the power to spindle. The spindle will be placed within the mount so that you need to think whether to use bearing or bushings.

Next, install a table of XY which functions as a moving surface that will go back and forth and side to side. You can use long screws and bolts to create this movement; the screws will rotate and lead the nuts to move laterally.


In case you decide to modify your device rather than create a new CNC machine, you can start it by buying a mill. The mills are sold in various sizes, from small to large ones. While buying the mills, make sure you have determined the size as well as the types of the mills.

CNC Milling Machines

Setting Up CNC Milling Machines

Maintaining the condition of a CNC milling machines is important to prevent it from making erroneous jobs. For this reason, a setup should be carried out. With a proper setup, the machine will run well and keep the tool from damage. Follow this instruction below to start the setup.

  • Clean the table to free it from rust and debris. You may use a grit stone to do the cleaning so that the dirt can be easily removed. Continue the cleaning process to the shots of T-holder.

  • Put down the vise then secure with bolts. Tighten the bolts then use and indicator to straighten the vises.

  • Slot in each tool into collets then secure them. Please ensure that the tool is tight on its place otherwise they will slip and fall; which may cause damage to the material.

  • Put the collets into the changer of the tool. Some models of CNC milling machines require you to slot it the collets individually while others do not. You many need to read at the manual of the machine.

  • Check to indicate whether the machine “knows” where it ends. This is to ensure the machine to make a proper cut. CNC machines commonly make use of a probe to do this job. The process goes on like this; the machine moves lower, touches the probe then send the information to the computer.

  • Move the spindle to the zero point then start the machine again on both axes (X and Y). Next, get the Z point by lowering the spindle to the top of material. This point will be used as guidance in cutting the materials.

By setting up the CNC milling machines, you can ensure it works well throughout the years. You will have to do the setup more frequent if the machine is burdened by a load of work each day.

FANUC SRAM Backup Procedures

The first step used to prepare FANUC memory card, then input into the slot near the screen, Operation : Turn the power on by simultaneously pressing the two soft keys at the right end you can see in the picture below

The second step you press the down button select "7.SRAM DATA UTILITY">> select>> Yes it will display the screen as shown below

The third step you select "1. BACKUP SRAM (CNC => MEMORY CARD) SELECT YES then see the picture below


Then press SELECT again select the number "1. END "select YES
Similarly, FANUC sram backup procedure on CNC machine may be useful.

What is CNC Lathe Machine

CNC lathe machine is a tool which functions to cut or grind wood or metal into certain shapes or forms. CNC is abbreviated form of Computer Numerical Control, which defines this type of machine from that of the regular, non-computerized, ones. CNC lathe machine are made to make the work faster, have a better precision, as well as reduce the number of injury.


John T. Parsons is named as the person who found CNC machining in 1940s. The work was developed in collaboration with MIT. CNC lathe machines thus replaced the use of numerical (NC) machines in metalworking industry. It is said that Parsons’ work is made to order by the U.S. Air Force that aimed to create a cost-effective tool for making convoluted aircraft parts.


CNC lathe machine were improved in 1972 when these devices have gained much attention from public. The improvement deals with the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Machining (CAM). Not until the year of 1976 the enhanced system of the machine, namely 3D CAD/CAM, was released. Since then, these machines were considered as a standard.


CNC lathe machines mainly consist of 12 holders and coolant pumps which function to cool down the machine so that premature wear can be prevented. To make a precise cut, this machine uses tools that can be indexed and a computer program that will work with the most intricate work. Both things cannot be achieved through using conventional lathe machines.

On the other hand, you can find basic control specifications of a lathe machine in CNC lathes. These machines are also capable of reading G code and many programming languages.

Since the first time the idea of CNC lathe machine appeared, continuous attempts have been made to increase the ability of the machine. And these days, as IT industry keep growing and improving, there is a chance that the machine will be always updated.

Benefits of Using 3D CNC Machine

To give you a more reliable performance, CNC machine is now offered with 3D technology. Even though the price is slightly higher than the regular machine, 3D CNC machine has been commonly used by many companies—not only the big ones. This is so because the machine promises a better result which in turn will improve the quality of the product.

Minimal Error

Since 3D technology has gone beyond 2D, it is clear that this machine is going to stand out in the industry. A 3D CNC machine is capable of depicting three angles of the object, showing much clearer points of the design to you. And as more curves are depicted, error can be minimized.

More Designs

The fact that the machine uses 3D technology has made it possible for you to create much complicated pattern which turn into more collections of design. You will have to learn designing, though, and that this process will be separate from the process of creating the tool path. Hence, two kinds of software will be needed.

Faster Work

It is reported that the 3D CNC machine reduce the manufacturing time in a half. Now, as you can save time, more results will be obtained. While production time is saved, you can focus more to the quality of the items you are working. Either woodworking or metalworking, the machine will give you a good result just in a few minutes—depending on the type of difficulty of the item.


Let’s assume that you do not have an in house artist to create a 3D design or you do not own a designer’s software; still you can use the machine. There are plenty of specialist designers who design a 3D clipart for your CNC machine. This way, there is no need to think of hiring a full time employee.

While using a 3D CNC machine, there is no need to carry out all the jobs yourself. You can outsource one of them to others who are more capable of doing it.

Fanuc Alarm Code List

Fanuc Alarm List Series 16/18/21

Sometimes if we're CNC Machine there is a problem we will certainly be looking for manual book and look for the alarm list, if the manual book if not we will see the old look. It was the location of the bookcase away from the machine. For that I make a list of series 16/18/21 Fanuc alarms so that our analysis quickly in the face of our CNC machining alarm problem. See below:

Alarm 0-999: Fanuc alarm, the alarm if above 1000 maker / machinist / machine tool builder.

Alarm 0-250: programs / settings.

Alarm 300 ~: Pulse Coder, servo, interface, cables.

Alarm 400 ~: SVM, Motor, cable, and mechanics.

Alarm 500 ~ : Over travel.

Alarm 7n01 - 99: Spindle motor problems, SPM, Cable, Mechanical, cutting weight.
Alarm 9n01 - 99:  Same as above.

Alarm 900-975: the problem is on the motherboard. With friends. (CPU cards, Axis cards, SRAM, DRAM)

That's it from me hopefully to be made like it was easier and help in dealing with CNC machining alarm us.

You may be reading other articles cnc vertical milling machine or cnc vertical machining center.