CNC Milling Machines

Setting Up CNC Milling Machines

Maintaining the condition of a CNC milling machines is important to prevent it from making erroneous jobs. For this reason, a setup should be carried out. With a proper setup, the machine will run well and keep the tool from damage. Follow this instruction below to start the setup.

  • Clean the table to free it from rust and debris. You may use a grit stone to do the cleaning so that the dirt can be easily removed. Continue the cleaning process to the shots of T-holder.

  • Put down the vise then secure with bolts. Tighten the bolts then use and indicator to straighten the vises.

  • Slot in each tool into collets then secure them. Please ensure that the tool is tight on its place otherwise they will slip and fall; which may cause damage to the material.

  • Put the collets into the changer of the tool. Some models of CNC milling machines require you to slot it the collets individually while others do not. You many need to read at the manual of the machine.

  • Check to indicate whether the machine “knows” where it ends. This is to ensure the machine to make a proper cut. CNC machines commonly make use of a probe to do this job. The process goes on like this; the machine moves lower, touches the probe then send the information to the computer.

  • Move the spindle to the zero point then start the machine again on both axes (X and Y). Next, get the Z point by lowering the spindle to the top of material. This point will be used as guidance in cutting the materials.

By setting up the CNC milling machines, you can ensure it works well throughout the years. You will have to do the setup more frequent if the machine is burdened by a load of work each day.