CNC Screw Machine, How to Uses and Maintenance

CNC Screw Machine
CNC screw machine is a great relief for manufacturers with a load of production volume of metalworking. This machine is able to cut a piece of material without the need to turn the movement around. Unlike traditional screw machines, CNC screw machine does not require any additional staff to handle it.

Uses CNC 
Actually, CNC screw machine can be used in many working areas where you need to tighten as many bolts and nuts. This does not need to be metalworking or woodworking companies alone, though. Credits have been received from many American manufacturers to the CNC screw machine technology as it is such a great help to their businesses. One of the praises mentioned the machine as the predecessor of contemporary equipments.

This statement seems to come from the fact that you need to have the bolts and nuts fastened; hence comes the need to make use of this machine. The function conducted by the machine is such simple and basic task yet will take much time and effort if they should be done manually by human force.

A high frequently used screw machine will show wears and tears over years of usages. Think about a mass production industry using their machines the whole day and night. The more the manufacturing machines work, the more CNC screw machine should get down for them. Therefore, a proper maintenance is the rule of the thumb if you wish to have this machine remains intact over decades.

Used CNC screw machines may need more maintenance that you should be careful in caring for them. Right usage and well maintenance will ensure the used machine to perform properly just like those new ones.

After years of manual bolts fastening, finally there came a machine which helped people from doing overtiring work. As much improvement is made in CNC screw machines that allows people to shift the job to the computer.

Find Reliable CNC Machining Center

We cannot deny the fact that we can find the CNC machine in many industries. The machine is very useful in many aspects of life. Since the benefit of the machine is various, you may need the machine in your business. Well, if you want to get the machine you have to make sure that you go to the right supplier to get the machine. Here are some tips that can help you to find the best place to get the machine.

When we want to buy the CNC machine the most important thing that we have to check is the quality of the item. There are so many brands of the machine that you can choose. If you are the beginners in the industrial field and you o not know about the brands, you can go to the forums about CNC machine. There are a lot of forums about CNC machine that can help you to select the reliable and retable brands. The next thing that you can do is to determine the right places to go. In choosing the places to get the CNC you have to make sure that the place is a reliable place that offer you high quality machine and excellent service. You who do not really understand about the machine especially need the place that can offer you the service to repair the CNC machine if there are some troubles.

If you only have low budget, you can choose to get the second hand CNC machine. However you still have to make sure that you get the items from reliable cnc machining center. The internet offers you a lot of option about the cnc centers that claim can give you the best service. In choosing the right centers you can also check the information about their staff. You can choose the machine centers that have high skilled and professional staff that can help you if you face some troubles related to the machine.

Learn more about Small CNC Machine

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The CNC machine basically is a machine operated by using the numeric program. The types of the machine are various and can be found in many aspects of life. You who are not very familiar with CNC machine must think that the machine must be huge, especially because the affect of the word “machine”. Well, in fact we can find so many types of machine with small size. When we talk about CNC we can also build a CNC machine with the size about 15 x 20 inches. Well, let’s learn more about CNC machine.

Okay, it is true that not everyone familiar with CNC machine. So, when you want to learn about CNC machine, you can decide your initial position first such as you are a student or you are a hobbyist. It is important to decide your starting point because you will know the goal you want to achieve and the most effective way to learn about the machine. The next thing that you can do is to learn the general process of the work of the machine. If you want to see the details of the machine you can start with the general idea about the machine first. Sometimes we also find several specific terms that are unfamiliar. So, it is better if you learn more about the specific terms related to the CNC machine especially for programming terms.

Back again to small CNC machine. Yes, if you are in the advanced level in mastering the machine, you can also build the small machine for various purposes. You can set the size so that the machine is suitable with the need. How if we need any help? Well, nowadays it is easy to find the help if you want to build the machine. You can go to the internet and look for the help from reliable sources there. All you need to do is to look for trustworthy source of help.

Fanuc Servo Alarm List

Below is a list for your fanuc servo alarm more easily in the repair of CNC machine. For more detail you can open the manual book CNC Machining


RAM Parity Alarm : AL-16

ROM Parity Alarm : AL-18

A/D Converter : AL- 19, 20

SIC LSI : AL- 32, 52, 53

CPU Test Alarm : AL- 74, 75

Initial Test Alarm : AL- 79


Overvoltage in DC Link : AL-11

Undervoltage in DC Link : AL-51

Undervoltage in PCB : AL-b1

Input Circuit Overcurrent : AL-30

Insufficient charging in DC: AL-33

Regenerative Energy : AL-57, b2

Over load : AL-58

Stop of Cooling Fan : AL-59

Other Alarm : AL-98


DC Link Fuse Blow :AL-03

Excessive load (OH) : AL- 09

Overcurrent in DC Link : AL- 12

Stop of Cooling Fan : AL-56

Stop of Cooling Fan : AL-88

Insufficient charging in DC : AL-97


Excessive Speed : AL-02

: AL-07

Temperature : AL-06

Position Sensor Polar : AL-21

Position Coder : AL-27, 41, 42, 46, 47

Motor Sensor : AL- 73, 81, 82, 83

Spindle Sensor : AL-84, 85, 86, 87

Differential mode : AL-43, 49

Common alarm : AL-31

ALARM on Motor and Other

Motor overheat : AL-01

Switch Circuit : AL-15, 55

Short Time Over Load : AL-29

Over Load : AL-54

Position Deviation Error : AL-36

Energy of Back EMF : AL-b3

Parameter Miss Setting : AL-34, 35, 37

: AL-49, 50, 57

Communication ALARM

Communication with CNC : AL-24

Amp : AL-66

Amp-Module : AL-b0

Communication Data Alarm : AL-C0, C1, C2

Are you interested in my other articles Fanuc Parameter Backup.

The CNC Machine Price Information

CNC machine is very effective for manufacturing and if we want to work on this field, we need to find more information about this machine soon. Well, this CNC machine gives effective effects for manufacturing business as it can increase the production which will increase the income. We have to know what kind of CNC machine that will be suitable for our manufacturing business. Besides the type of the machine, we also need to find out the information about the cnc machine price. This is very important so that we will know how many budgets we need to spend on this machine and how many products we can afford. This is very good to find out more about each machine type and the detail of the machine.

So, we can start with the 2 axis cnc machine. There are so many series of this 2 axis machine but the estimation of this machine’s price is about $8,990.00 up to $9,985.00. It depends on the swing measure and the length of the gab bed. This machine is very common in manufacturing and it will give you the best result in manufacturing. And then the next is the 3 axis cnc machine. There are so many series of the 3 axis machine, and the estimation of the price will be from $5,423.00 up to $12,522.00 and it all depends on the specification of the machine. This is good to know about the cnc machine price estimation so that we know what kind of machine that will be great for your business.

So, if you want to start a manufacturing business, knowing the price of the cnc machine is a must thing to do. You can do some data collection so that it will be more advantageous to get the best price for the machine. Just do not hesitate any longer to get the cnc machine price information.

Benefits and Pitfalls of 5 Axis CNC Milling Machine

5 axis cnc machine
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Working for detailed precision, 5 axis CNC milling machine was made to comply with the demand of many industries in making complicated pattern. Unlike 3D machine which works on three axis of movement, 5 axis machine makes it possible to run around 5 different axis. The price of the machine is quite high, hence, before you decide to buy it; it is best to consider several things below.

The 5 axis CNC milling machine offers more efficiency and accuracy. The machine is capable of cutting from both sides at the same time. You only need to put a special program on the computer then let the machine operates by itself. Thus, except an operator or a supervisor, there is no need to hire an additional worker. Even if you have already used personal robotics system (PRS), a manual operation can be eliminated.

Using 5 axis CNC milling machine, you can create or cut the material into complex shapes in much easier way. That is the reason why this machine has been widely used by aerospace industry.

Since this machine works with five different axis, the programming will be more complicated. In addition, this type of machine has a limited option of performance; perhaps because it’s focusing on the broadness of the view.

On the other hand, the machine is tagged at an expensive price that you must really learn whether you really need to buy it. In case that a 3D machine has been doing fine, there is no need to go for a 5 axis machine. Instead of buying this machine, you may only need to change the program or make a few adjustments to the existing machine.

When you have to buy a 5 axis CNC milling machine, it is better to ask yourself a few questions about the space required to place the machine, what kind of software you need, and et cetera. This will help you make a wise decision for the company.

 Reading other article: Fanuc AC Spindle Alarm  

Preventive Maintenance of CNC Vertical Machining Center – Fanuc Robodrill

This post I will discuss about preventive CNC vertical machining center Fanuc robodrill. Below are the things that are very important to perform preventive maintenance.
- The panel of the machine, clean the inside and outside of the machine from dust with a soft cloth. Clean the fan and filter if the filter is clogged because there is no circulation of air which causes excessive heat in the panel, this will damage the components on the panel, especially on the heat sink.
- Part hydraulic. Hydraulic equipment in the CNC vertical machining center Fanuc robodrill to clamp material. Check the temperature at the pump hydraulic max 65 degrees Celsius if it exceeds clean the oil cooler from the dust. This is very important because if the temperature is too hot can damage the O-rings and seals on solenoid valves.
- Part lubrication. Need to check whether the lubrication to function properly, even though the machine will alarm if the oil is reduced lubrication, but should be in check. Because I’ve ever had the experience to the existing distributor lane dirt / dust that causes the lubrication is not perfect. Please know if this function does not work properly lubricating linear guide and ball screw quickly worn / damaged.
- The fan motor spindle. Parts are sometimes less in the note have occurred near the pulse coder bearing jam, it is because there is no cooling fan is not spinning because it is necessary in the clear well.
- The ATC (Automatic Tool Change) give the grease or lubrication on moving parts that tangent, the gear spindle to rotate the magazine.
- The telescopic. Check the tension bolts is also very important if the bolts are not tight telescopic be damaged, because the movement is very fast axis.
That’s all I can write about preventive maintenance of CNC Vertical Machining Centers if something is missing my friends can be added. It is based on the experience I can.